Dear Baby Jane,

Nine months is a long time.  That is almost 274 days; 6,576 hours; 394,560 minutes.  That is how long we have been waiting to meet our first granddaughter.  Her name is Jane.  I don’t know what she looks like, what her voice will sound like, how tall or short she will be, or if her hair will be brown or blond.  But this I know: I already love her.  There is so much I want to tell her about how awesome she is, about how much she is already loved by family and God, and about the beauty of the world she is coming into.  So I decided to write her a letter even before she was born.  When I sat down to write I thought, “What am I going to say to Jane even before meeting her?”  It didn’t take very long and the words were flying through my fingers and onto the computer.  I felt unburdened as I was able to write down many of the thoughts and dreams I have had for little baby Jane over the past nine months.  Here is the letter I wrote her:

Dear Baby Jane,

It won’t be long, and I will finally get to meet you. Nonni and I have been praying for you for many years. I can’t wait to hold you and tell you face to face how much I love you, but even more importantly how much Jesus loves you. I know your mommy and daddy will tell you this over and over, but you are an amazing little girl. In fact, I believe you are one of God’s masterpieces. Yes, a precious piece of art. Why, you might ask? Because it was God who created you, formed you, and made you just who you are. Not only did he create your fingers, toes, nose, and belly button, but he also created all the parts that are hidden: your heart, lungs, brain, and pancreas. You are like one of Nonni’s sweaters, knit with love and perfection in your mommy’s belly. Perfect, complex, wonderful, a masterpiece! That is who you are Jane! I hope you will always believe that. You see, just because we can’t see you inside your mommy’s tummy that doesn’t mean God doesn’t see you. He has watched over you and been with you every single day you have been getting ready to come into this beautiful but broken world. In fact, even before you were born He knew you, thought about you, and loved you. While we don’t know the day you will come into the world, God does. It’s written down. He already has a birthday card filled out for the exact day you will come into this world so we can meet you and tell you how much we love you. God is so amazing Jane. So I will do my best to wait patiently for your arrival, knowing the day you are born is the day God chose for you long ago. I love you and can’t wait to meet you.


I wonder if taking a few minutes to write a letter to your child might be as freeing as it was for me.  For some of us, we don’t even know if our children understand us when we speak to them.  Writing a letter to share your love for them, what makes them so unique and special, and your commitment to be the best mommy and daddy you can be is as much for you as it is for them.  It doesn’t have to be long.  You can always add to your letter.  Just start.  Pull out a piece of paper, open up your computer, or turn on your iPad and write, “Dear…..”