Finn Needs Our Prayers

Finn Schafran

Cancer. Just typing the word makes me feel sick. Sadly our dear friends, Dan and BrandiLee Schafran’s little boy, Finn was just diagnosed with a rare malignant cancer called rhabdomyosarcosis. The battle has begun. Finn needs our prayers.

Who are the Schafrans you ask? They are: Our friends. Wonderful parents. Followers of Christ. Guests of David’s Refuge. Hosts of David’s Refuge. The parent of a child with special needs. Committed husband and wife. A family who needs our prayers. Scared. Faithful. Physically and emotionally exhausted. Overwhelmed. And now the parents of a child with cancer. The battle has begun. Finn needs our prayers.

The journey before them is going to be long and exhausting. It will include forty two weeks of chemo with radiation added in around week thirteen. There will be sleepless nights, blood transfusions, impaired immune system, nausea and diarrhea, loss of hair, and relational stress. The battle has begun. Finn needs our prayers.

Amazingly Dan and BrandiLee’s faith in a loving God despite the brokenness of the world we live in has remained rock solid. The following is from an email I got from Dan,

 We feel very drained – physically, mentally, and emotionally.  And yet through the entire process (from start to now) we have felt the underlying peace that comes only from God and have tangibly felt God sustaining us.  Psalm 46 says that God is our refuge and our ever present help.  Psalm 91 says that “he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest under the wings of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.”  Christ commanded those who are weary and heavy laden to come to him for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.  This is not just literary encouragement, but the very word of God which physically upholds us.  This is what helps us in the face of hardship from becoming myopic or despairing.”

The battle has begun. Finn needs our prayers.

I’m not sure where you are in your own faith journey, but would you please stop and say a short prayer for Finn and his family? Pray for his healing. Pray for his family. Pray that they would not feel alone and that they would find refuge in the extravagant love of God. Yes, the battle has begun. Finn needs our prayers.

PS: Please take a moment and write a word of encouragement to Dan and BrandiLee on this blog