Squeezing Joy Out Of Every Day

Question: What is your joy quotient?  With one being the lowest and ten the highest, what would you give yourself?  There is little doubt we could all do with a little more joy in our lives.  The question is how do we squeeze a little more joy out of the life we now live?  Obviously, joy has a positive influence on our lives.  Studies show that it decreases blood pressure, it improves our emotional life, and it strengthens our bodies against illness.  I believe, no matter our circumstances, joy is possible for all of us, today, right now!

Often I will hear people say joy is something they will experience in the future, but not today.  I’ll be happy when I can finally buy that new car.  I’ll be happy when I have $100,000.00 in the bank.  I’ll be happy when I can retire.  I’ll be happy when I find a spouse and get married.  I’ll be happy when my child is living independently.  Sadly, we set ourselves up for failure when we place our hope of joy on something or someone in the future.  Unfortunately, there is no guarantee you will ever be able to afford a new car, go on that vacation, retire at 55, or find Mr. or Mrs. Right.  So, maybe we have to change our expectations.  Maybe we have to simplify the list of things that bring us joy so we have more success at squeezing it out of today.

Here are a few ideas to prime the pump!

  • What music or song makes you feel good?  Download it and listen to it, more than once!
  • Who do you enjoy spending time with?  Invite them over.  Don’t pick up the house!
  • What did you do when you were younger that brought you joy?  Painting, cooking, skiing?  Just do it!
  • What makes you laugh?  I love Just for Laughs.  Check out a few episodes.
  • What food makes you remember a moment in life when you were filled with joy?  Buy it, cook it, eat it!

I want to challenge you to do something.  Take a moment and think of one thing that brings you joy.  Find a picture of it and post it on Facebook.  On Friday I will gather all the entries and randomly select one to receive a $25.00 gift certificate to Starbucks.  I can’t wait to see what you all post.

While I can’t enter the contest, one of the things that bring me incredible joy is my children and grandchildren!