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Brian and Doni Dwyer

How long have you been connected with David’s Refuge?
Since the beginning…we stayed the first year it was operational.

Please explain any diagnosis your child has, and you have experience with.
Two of our three children have a very rare genetic/autoimmune disorder. The disorder is Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type 1, or APS1 for short. In a nutshell, their bodies are attacking their glands. Brooklyn, the oldest as Autoimmune Interstitial Nephritis as well as Addisons. Kiley, the youngest has Autoimmune hepatitis. They both suffer from hypocalcemia.

What is your favorite part of being a host?
Connections and community. To meet amazing people and serve them as we once were, truly amazing.

What is something you want your guests to know about you?
We are here, always, for you! We want you to feel the way we did as we first experienced David’s refuge. We left every weekend we attending feeling loved and a sense of belonging.

What is a piece of advice you have found invaluable as a family with experience in special needs or a medically fragile diagnosis?
Ask the community. There is probably someone that has experience with the question you are asking.

Which partner location is your favorite and why?
We love Colgate inn because of the farmers market they have on Saturday mornings.

A genie grants you the ability to have infinite amount of one item. What is it?

What book changed your life?
Five love languages

What is a question you wish people would ask you less?
Do you need anything!