About The Wall
Our supporters are at the heart of our mission and we work diligently to show our gratitude. This is a list of our donors from the past twelve months. If your name has been inadvertently omitted or misspelled, please contact Lorraine Sanders at Lorrainesanders@davidsrefuge.org.
1000 Islands Harbor Hotel
20 East
Michael Abdo
Roberta and Joshua Abreu
AccessCNY, Inc
Acropolis Realty Group, LLC
Meghan Addario
ADHD and Autism Psychological Services and Advocacy
Advocates, Inc
Matt Agley
Christine Aiello
Air Innovations
Alan Byer Volvo
Laurie Albanese
Edward and Emily Alberts
Abed and Courtney Alhomsi
All Who Wander
Eric Allen
Alex Alleto
Alloy Welding and Fabricating, Inc.
Anthony Falso
Matt and Sonya Alwardt
AML Companies
Alex Amorese
Chris and Kendra Anderson
Kristen Anderson
Michele Anderson
Amber Andrews
Nathan Antonacci
Michelle and Michelle Arazoza
ARC of Onondaga
Peter Armstrong
Tracy Armstrong
Ariana Arsenault
Jennifer Arthur
Melissa Attea
Carolyn Audi Fischi
Auer Family Foundation
Mark Ausley
Mike Austin
Ralph Autilio and Bruce Pereira
Autumn’s Nail Spa
Karen Ayoub
B Thomas Golisano Foundation
B.P.O. Elks No 767
Daniele Backus
Cory and Lisa Baclawski
Lukas Baechler
Bruce and Barbara Baehr
Joey Bak
Mike and Courtney Baker
Christine Baker Marriage and Robert Marriage
Elizabeth Balfour
Bankers Life Securities, Inc
Joanna and George Banta
Gloria Barbano
Barbara M Strnad Memorial Fund of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
Barbetta Family Foundation
Gino Barbuto
Elizabeth Bargabos
Nick Barnello
Jonathan Barreda
Mark Barres
Patrick Barreto Gallagher
Mariam Barrows
Liz Bartlett
Kristin and Christopher Bastedo
Bay Presbyterian Church
Mary Beach McDowell
Beacon/Andover Group
Kathy and Andrew Beardslee
Sue Beehler
Charles Beeler
Christen Belcher
Matt Beliveau
Melinda Bell
Bella Domani Catering and Banquets, LLC
John Bellardini
Salvatore and Margaret Bellavia
Lisa Belodoff
Margaret and Herbert Bender
Rebecca Bennink
Gerald Bergman
Serge Bervy
Lisa and Mark Bethmann
Renate BeVard
Janet Bianchini
Marie Bigness
Bill Rapp Superstore
Shane and Kathryn Bird
Kathryn Blasio
Joseph Boffardi
Jon and Kelly Bohm
Debra Bojarski
Kathleen Bombard
Molly Bondellio
Mike Bono
Tommy Bonura
Dorothy and Jeffrey Booher
Gary and Sandra Booher
Abigail Boslet
Erma and James Boswell
Terri Botwinick
Delia Bouchard
Boutique Wonderland
John Bower
Michelle Bower
Julie Bozsoki
Brackens Financial Solutions Network, LLC
Jeanine Brackett
Seth Braddock
Ellie Bradley
Colin Brady
Steve Brady
MaryAnn and Charles Brady
Benjamin Bragdon
Karl Bramer
Lynn Branagan
Matthew and Elizabeth Brazill
Breathe Yoga & Juice Bar Syracuse
Bernard Bregman and Ona Cohn Bregman
Randi Bregman
Amy Breuer
Charlie and Lauren Breuer
Jessica Brinks
Robert and Julie Brissette
*April and Doug Brissette
Michelle Brissette Miller
Cynthia Britz
William and Lisette Brod
Daniele Brodeur
Michelle Brooks
Wendy and Shawn Broton
Jeffrey Brown and Nancy Baird Brown
Eric Brown
Jamie Brown
Jessica and Shane Brown
Jeffrey and Susan Brozek
Roxanne Brule
Travis and Jess Bruneau
Renee Bruno
Cali Bryant
Kimberly and Kane Buholtz
Building Trade Employers Insurance Fund
Nicholas Burger
Emily Burgess
Michelle Burgess
John Burns
Robert Buschman
Brandin Butterfield
Alan Byrne
Rhonda Cabrinha
Steffanie Cadogan
Karen and Dave Cahill
Amy Caldeira
Tammy Caloia
JP Cambareri
Camillus Rotary
Daniel Campbell
Rose Camtwell
Canastota Central School District
Candace and John Marsellus Fund at CNY Community Foundation
David and Mary Ellen Canino
Bruce and Linda Cannon
Gary Capuano
Todd and Amy Caputo
Jess Caraway
Catherine Cardamone
Cheryl Carleton
Raymond Carney
Carol and Dirk Sonneborn Fund at CNY Community Foundation
Sarah Carr
Carrabba’s Italian Grill Fayetteville
Holly Carroll
Brian and Cynthia Carter
Lori Caruso
Sandra Casamento
Thomas and Theresa Case
Eric Castro
Deborah Caterham
Mary Cawley Oliver
CDK Global
Century Motorsports
Christopher Cerio
CH Insurance
Dorothy Champney
Channelside LLC
*Ashley Chayka
Kyle and Rebecca Choquette
Laura Ciliotta
Danielle and Jeff Cima
Srdan Ciric
Barbara Ciricillo
Joyl Clance
David Clar
Heather Clark
Karen Clark
Lisa Clark
Nancy Clark
Sandy and Dick Clark
Skip and Nancy Clark
Jordan Clark-Foreman
Clayton Marina Sales and Service, Inc.
CNY Mental Health Counseling, PLLC
David Coffin
Dennis and Donna Coggins
Diane and Ralph Cognetti
Kathleen Cole
Andrea and Kyle Cole
Chase Coleman
Denise Coleman
Comedy @ The Carlson
Community of the Savior
Alex and John Condon
Benjamin and Taryn Conger
Liz and Liz Conklin
Jamie Conley
Connell Financial Group, LLC
James Connell
Christopher Connor
Leah Conway
Corey Cook
Cooley Group
Carmine Cooley
Jacob and Jake Cooper
Christine and Dave Corbett
Jackie Cornue
Bernie and Beth Coughlin
Chip and Sheila Coughlin
Elizabeth Coughlin
Gertrude Coughlin
Julia Courtwright
Ann Coyne and Joseph Sullivan
Robert Crane
Robert and Patty Craver
Gregory and Charlotte Crawford
Crazy Daisies
Caitlin and Jeff Cregg
Susan Cronin
Crowley Insurance Agency Inc.
Christine Cullen
Ken Curcio
Kristen and Ian Cuthbert
Michelle Cuttler
Garrett Cypher
Ralph Cyr
Tami and Brandon Czerwinski
James D’Agostino
Eric and Colleen Dahlin
Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation
Michael and Elizabeth Daly
Peter Daly
Michelle Daly
Frank Dambrosio
Fred and Judith Damiano
Daniel and Elizabeth Gaulin Inc.
Katie Dantonello
Ken and Donna Dauria
Kenny Davis
Kristin Davis
Michael Day
Lynnette Decker
Definitive Beauty LLC
Tracey DeForest
DeFrancisco & Falgiatano
Jim and Sheila Del Toro
Ashley Delaney
Ligia Delgado
Michael Dellefave
JD Delmonico
DeMario’s Eatery
John Demetro
Melinda and Ronald D’Eredita
Kimberly Derion
Derrenbacker Shields Financial Group
Sara Desimone
Maureen Dessein
Arthur Diamond
DiBuono Design
Monique Dickerson
Christine Dillingham
David DiProsa
Jerry and Rachael Dixon
Don and Maria Doerr
Lizzette Donigan
Allyson Donofrio
Maggie Donohue
Tom Douglas
Bruce Drake
Ed Dubiel
John and Nancy Dubil
Nick Duffany
Camen and Mike Duino
Amie Dunham
Alison Dunn
Jeff Dunn
Jeffrey Dunseath
Ed Durant
Daniel Durocher
Mike and Molly
Kelly Dutton
Margaret Dwyer
Colette Powers and Matt Dydo
Lisa Dyviniak
E Smith Contractors LLC
Mary Earl
Earth Wins Art
East Syracuse Chevrolet, a member of the West Herr Automotive Group
Easter Foundation
Eastern Hills Bible Church
Eastern Shore Associates
Eastwood Rotary Foundation
Melissa Eberhardt
Eden Wood Fired Cuisine
Jacquie and David Edsall
Andrew Ehler
Hanah Ehrenreich
Mike Ellingworth
Gregory and Linda Ellstrom
Ellwanger Estate B&B
Jack Elum
Emerald City Window Cleaning
Emerald Cocktail Kitchen
Julie Murad-Caruso
Empowering People’s Independence
Becky Engels
Lori English
Entrepreneurial Society of CNY, Inc.
Sue Anne and Thomas Erkenbeck
Emmalyn Eruysal
Sally Eruysal
Paul Estabrooks
Evan Michaels Salon and Spa
Steve and Mary Evans
Evenor Fund
Evermore Handcrafted
Keith Ewald
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield CNY Region
Exceptional Family Resources
Peggy Fabic
Jessica Falcone
James Falzone
Families of FANA, WNY
Denise Fanning
David and Mary Angela Farber
Larisa Farlin
James Farrell
Tom Fecteau
Katie Feeley
Brittany Ferber
Thomas Ferrara
Brandon Finton
Nick Fiore
Firman Family
Jeffrey Fisher
Jack and Laurie Fitch
Heather Fitzgerald
Ashley Flaska
Floor Covering International
Mike Flowers
Angela Flynn
James Flynn
Joanne and Terence Flynn
Shaneika Ford
Patrice Fox
Foxy’s Riverfront LLC
Nancy Frakes
Danielle and Clarence Francis
Lynn and Bart Franey
Shelly Frank
Tammy and Marcus Franz
Fred L Emerson Foundation, Inc.
Jim and Shari Freyer
Scott Friedberg
Mary Frisch
Jennifer Fujimori
G&C Foods
Chris Gagas
Allison and James Gallagher
Gannon Pest Control
Peter and Pat Garner-Richards
Hannah Garty
Kathy Garty
Heather Garvey
Adam and Claudia Gasiorowski
Julia Gast and Sean Harrington
Heather Gates and Arnold Burlingham
Lee Gatta and Joe Reddick
Gina and Garry Gellert
Austin George and Hunter Hillers
Louis George
Bill Gerbig
Neil Germain
Cheryl Gerstman
Luanne Getkin
Dave and Catherine Giamartino
Tina Giambanco
Katie Giarrusso
Kent and Joy Gillis
*Brandi Ginty and Billy-Brendan
Glamour Nails & Spa
Rick and Kara Glowaki
Don and Sharon Gnann
Angel and Chris Godleski
*James Godleski
Ellen Goldberg
Melanie Goodin
Kristi Gorick
Kathleen Gorman
Mike and Mary Gormley
Grapevine Giving Foundation
Terri Gray
Kristen and Estelle Green
Green Light Automotive
Brianna and Ruben Greene
Kyle Greer
Jacyln Greiner
Julie Gridley
Susan Griepsma
Sheree Griswold
Jonathan Groff
Carrie Gruebele
Ryan Guerdon
Catie Guest
Ashley Gunderson
Kelley Guyder
Jaimie Hackston
Angela Hale
Kelly Hall
Kevin Hamann
Jill Hammond
David and Ellen Hardy
Ryan Harr
Guy Hart
Janet and James Hartman
Suzanne Hartt
Perry Harvey
Harvey’s Garden, LLC
Amy Haskins
Josh and Sam Haun
HAUN Specialty Gases
Brad and Julie Hawkins
Carrie Hazen
Haylor, Freyer & Coon Fund at CNY Community Foundation
Healthy Start – A Banker’s Healthcare Group Foundation
Steve and Gail Healy
Ron and RJ Heath
Jeff Heck
Scott Heiman
Kristin Heineman
Herbert and Marcia Heintz
William and Sandy Hemmerlein
Carolyn and David Hendrickson
Gareth Henry
William and Juanita Henry
Anny Henry
Justin Henty
Mark and Kris Herbert
Heritage Hill Brewhouse
Bill Herloski
Antonio Herrera
Nate Hickey
Dennis and Barbara Hile
Mark Hills
Betty Hilts
Hippity Hop Peds House Call Service
Daniel Hjeltnes
Melisa Hodgkins
Shlynn and Timothy Hodkinson
Hodorowski Group
Hoffman Development
Tina and Tina Holava-Hughes
Robin and Matt Hondorf
Honduras Threads
Catherine and Katie Hooks
Bruce and Marla Horwitz
Luke Houghton
Howard A. Drescher Foundation
Lori and Bob Houck
Paul and Kate Houck
Terri Hoxie
David and Jeanmarie Hoye
HPG Partners
John Hunt
Peter Hunt
Eric Hunter
William Huntress
Margaret Hurley
ICF Construction
Independent Insurance Agents Of CNY Inc
Amber and Amber Inglis
Inspire at the Grainery
Integrative Massage Associates
Ross Ireland
ISAAC Heating and Cooling
Chef Brian and Kim Isbell
John Isler
Ryan and Lauren Issakainen
David Jack
Shawn Jacobs
Renee James Murad
Kathryn Jaquin
Jeanette Jarvis
Jefferson Clinton Hotel
Saara Johanson
John Ben Snow Foundation
Seth and Gretchen Jolly
Jon and Jeanne Gehret at Charles Schwab
Jeffrey and Lisa Jones
Pete and Heidi Jones
Joseph A Firsching III Charitable Trust
Anna Jump
James Jurista
Tom and Sandy Jurkiewicz
Anne Justus
Laurie Kadah
Nicholas Kagey
Dr. Peter and Sandy Kane
Allan and Rita Kanter
Dr. David and Gillian Kanter
Deanna Kaprow
Dimitar Karaivanov
Cory and Dana Karanik
Danielle Katz
KBM Management, Inc.
Mary Keim
Adrienne Kelley
Rachel Kelly
Grant Kemmerer
Kimberly Kempton
Alice and Michael Kendrick
KeyBank – Syracuse
Jeremy Kidd
Meaghan Kincaid
Doreen and Scott Kingsley
Tamie Kiniry
Kinney Drugs Foundation
Ben Kinney
Jeffrey Kinsella
Thomas Kinsella
*Bill and Jennifer Kirchoff
Michael Klein
Jeremy Klimow
Brian Kline
Michele Kloc
Richard Knapp
John Knechtges
Knights of Columbus Trinity Council 4618
Ken and Patti Giancola
Jackie and J Knych
Robyn Kobasa
Barry Kogut and Kathryn Andrews Kogut
Kevin Kohl
Joseph Kohler
Richard and Elizabeth Koll
Joshua Korthas
Michele and Michele Krak
Kristi Kramersmeier
Daniel Krol
Kara Krueger
Diane Kuppermann
Shelby Kurtz
Jennifer Kush
Shane LaChance
Giovanni LaFace
Beau Laflore
Terry and Rob Lamb
Anthony Lambert
Steve Lamonica
Nicole LaMonte-DeGolier and Ted DeGolier
Jenny Laney
Lauren LaPenna
Barb Lappano
Emily Larche
The Larkin Family/Kinsale Beef Farm
Danielle Larkin
Janet LaSalle
Gina and Jeff Lathan
Meg Lattimore
Christine Lattuca
Angeline Laufersweiler
Minnie Lauzon
James and Jennifer Lavelle
Corrie Lawler
Jone Lawlor
Ellen Leadley
Jerry Leary
Michael and Lindsay Leaty
Cathleen LeBlanc
David Lee
Caitlin and Robin LeGros
Matt Lekawa
Greg Leone
Serena and Aaron Lerner
Trace Letcher
Jennifer Levesque
Nancy and Roy Levesque
Elizabeth Levin
Bev Lewis
Russell and Nancy Lewis
Holly and Dwight
Liberty Resources
Lisa Liddell
Life Happens Wellness
Lincoln Electric Foundation PFDN
Lynelle, David and David Lindsley
Jess Lisi
Sheryl and George Little
Jennine Lombardi
Jody London
Richard Longbottom
Lorraine Capital
James and Mollie Lotakis
Lotus Nails
Erin Lubick
Jeff Lubick
Rob and Kathy Lubick
Todd and Kadi Luchsinger
Jeanette Lukacs
Nancy Luna
Elaine Luong and George Sankey
LUSH Destiny
Jared Lusk
Bridgette M Shepard-Hill
M&S Desktop Publishing
M&T Bank – Binghamton
Robin Macaluso
Dylan Macintosh
Jean MacKenzie
Dale Madsen
Magalicious LLC
Janice Maggio
*Wills and Katie Mahoney
Debra Maier
Louis Maier
Jon Majdanik
Molly and Gino Malgieri
Susan and David Mallonee
Patricia and Mike Malone
Bobbi Malzman
Mark Mandrycky
Michelle Maney
Susan and Allan Manley
Cynthia and Bill Mannise
James and Colleen Marasia
Julia Mariotte-McLane and John Armstrong
Mark and Mary Ellen McAnaney Fund at CNY Community Foundation
Jeanne Markman
Antoinette Markusz
Christine Baker-Marriage
Marriot Syracuse Downtown
Annamarie Marsha
Jennifer Marshall
Larry Martin
Linda Martin
Beth and Jesus Martinez
Christopher Mason
Matt Mason
Sal Massa
Susan and Phil Mastroleo
Matthew Masur
Sam and Allison Matesic
Kira Mathieson
Maureen’s Hope
Maxie’s Supper Club
Zachary McCabe
Renee McCaffrey
Dave and Norma McCarthy
Robert McCormick
Ellen McCracken
Gerard and Lori McCrohan
Chris McDonald
Jenn and Becky
Joy McDonald
Mary McDonald
Thomas and Cindy McGuire
Lynn McHugh
Linda McKeating
Jeanne Mckee
McKenney Family
Erin McLane-Gwin and Jimmy Gwin
Betsy McLane
Annemarie McLaughlin
Tracey McLean
Janice McMullen
Shatosha McMullen
Kristen McSherry
William and Roselyn McVicker
Mary Beth and Scott Meeder
Lindsay and Matt Meehan
Erin Megalo
Meier’s Creek Brewing Company
John and Jill Melvin
Anthony Menna
Jennifer Messina
Carol Messina Karius
Mike Metzgar
Anne Metzger-Wormuth and David Wormuth
Kristin Meyer
Michael Sgro Leadership Coaching
Kristen Michalski
Vince Micillo
Stephan Micknich
Mike O’Neal Jr.
James Mikesell
Milestone Construction Partners
Mike Militello
Jo Millard
Ryan Millard
Anne and Steven Miller
Karin Ingrid Miller
Mike and Donna Miller
Nancy Miller
Ryan Miller
Jerome, Beth, and Lydia Mirabito
Mirabito Philanthropy Inc.
Mirbeau Inn & Spa of Skaneateles
Cathy and Mike Misiaszek
Kellieann Misita
Laurie and *Steve Mitchell
Travis Mitchison
Ryan Mone
Jack and Barb Monson
Stephen Montgomery
Laila Moore
Ned and Shelley Morgan
*Pierre and Joye Morrisseau
Daniel Mosher
Maureen Moynihan
Patricia Muller
Pam Murchison
Andrea Cafiero Murphy
Brian Murphy
Dennis Murphy
Kevin Murphy
Melissa Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Frank Mustarelli
Donald and Cathy Nadolinski
Nascentia Health
National Grid
National Philanthropic Trust
Dennis Nave
Nave Law Firm
Robert and Madeleine Nethercott
Network for Good
Matthew and Amy Neuner
Kaye Newbury and Nicholas Borrelli
Newton Household
Kelly Nichiporuk
Nick and Joey’s Barbershop
Kim Nitchman
Stef Noble
Jamie and Benjamin Nodine
Noelle VanHee Designs
Kristen Nolan
Northbound Coaching & Consulting, LLC
Northland Communications – Syracuse
Howard Nybo
Colleen O’Brien
Hannah O’Brien
Sharon and Jim O’Brien
O’Connell More Consulting & Real Estate
Mitchell O’Connor
Nicole O’Dell
Mark O’Donnell
Megan O’Dowd
Cathy Okenica
Oliver’s Originals
Mike and Carol O’Neal
Optic Sky Productions
Brian O’Reilly
Andrew Orr
Patricia Orr
Debby and Timothy Orr
Laura Osgood
Oswego County Federal Credit Union
Ryan Owens
Tom Owens
Evonne Pacini
Cindi Pagan
Bob Page
Michael and Jasmin Paglia
Connie Palleria
*Chris and Andrea Panebianco
Michael Panebianco
Paola Kay Gift Shop
Christina Papaleo
Gina Parrott
Jonathan Parry
Meranda Parshall
Dawn and Richard Passannante
Thomas and Theresa Passero
Melissa Patrie
Lena and Adam Patterson
Jean Pawlak
Heather Payment
Garry and Cynthia Payne
Allison Peacock-Weschle
James Pease
Mary Pedley
Alicia Pekarsky
Michael Peters
Kay and Mark Peters
Polina Petrusevich
Deb Petzold
Danielle Pflugh
Wendell and Maryann Pfohl
Dan and Katie Pfohl
Warren and Brenda Pfohl
Physical Graffiti
Guy Piccolino
Alexis Pierce
Amy Pierce Melton and Jack Melton
Edmund Pietruniak
Jane Pigut
Lisa Pigut
Brad and Lynne Pike
Jeff Pinard
Nadine Pinder
Pinnacle Holding Company
J Daniel Pluff
Plum and Mule
Misha Polovneff
Teresa Polsin
Rick and Julie Pooler
Karen and Joseph Porcello
Stephanie Porcello
Susan Potter
Jolie Pow
Ashley Pratt
Kavitha Prezzano
Kyle Pribula
Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation
Bob and Colleen Price
Laura Price
Tony Prince
David and Nancy Prince
Jeff Knauss
Art Diamond
Mike and Cris Reyna
Patrick and Patrick Purdy
Brenda Pyrtle-Provost
Judy Quigley
Kevin Quinlivan
Kyle Quinn
Thomas Quinn
Diane Ragan
Ragan Real Estate Team
Carole Rahme
Chelsea Randall
Jessica Randall-Andrews
Bruce and Donna Rapp
John Rapp
Susan Raspitha and Ricky Hastings
Brian Rautio
RBC Wealth Management
Matt Read and Stephanie Crockett
Bob Read
David Redding
Reiki with Cabrina
Marlene Reilly
Reisman Foundation
Angi Renna
Rebecca Resig
Joshua Revette
Dave and Gail Rhodes
Sara Rich
Richard S Shineman Foundation
Gale Richards and Ruth Dawson
Donna Richards
Larry Richards
Bonnie Varecka Richardson
Stephanie Richardson
Laura Rinaldi
Brigid Ristau
Geoff and Rani Ristau
River Spring Lodge
Sonja Rizzo
Amy Rothfuss
Dan Robbins
Laura and Alan Robbins
Kim Roberson
Sunny and Sunny Robertson
Rochester Network Supply, Inc.
Rockbridge Investment Management
Joan Rodgers
Daniel Rogers
Joan Rogers
Kathryn Rogers
Robert Rogers
Ashley and *Patrick Rohe
Ronald McDonald House of CNY
Dan Rose
Ashley Roth
Mary Rouse
Robert and Yvonne Rowan
Benjamin and Lindsay Rowe
Jennifer and Jeffrey Rubin
David Ruede
Michael Ruede
Bob Ruggio
Jonathan Runge
Carol and Arnie Russell
Jeff Russi
Andrew and Loraine Russo
Becky Russo
Melissa Russo
George and Jenn Salloum
Dan and Brianna Schafran
Richard and Virginia Russo
Bryan Rutledge
Richard Ruzzo
Ryan Aldrich Trucking and Sawing Inc.
Keith Ryan
Robert Ryan III
Skylar Ryll
Judy Salamone
Steven and Linda Salmons
Salt City Raiders Silver & Black Fan Club
Dr. Christopher Santay
Xiomara Santos
Sarah Hall Designs
Cynthia Saunders-Cheatham
Guy and Donna Savia
Shannon and Todd Sawyer
Cindy Schallmo
Nancy Scherer
David and Ann Scherff
Diana and Kyle Schimizzi
Jessica Schlosser
Paul Schmidt and Nicole Catgenova
Meredith Schmidt
Jessica and Jonathan Schneckenburger
Erica and Family Schneider
Lynn and Rick Schneider
Chad and Thomas Schopfer
Thomas Schopfer
Elizabeth Scott
Larry and Pam Scripa
Stephanie Scriven
Seabreeze Amuzement Park
Mary Alice Shallo
Madeline Shanahan
Seth and Samantha Shapess
Amy and Dennis Shaw
Brandie Shaw
Maureen Shealy
Rosanne and Michael Sheldon
Lauren and Lauren Shepard
Terri Sherman
Janet Shore
Kimberly Sieburg
Dannielle Simiele
Christy Simmons
Martha Simmons
SleepSafe Beds, LLC
Bill Slupski
Kannon Smart
Adam and Kristin Smith
Rebecca Smith
Stevie Lyn Smith
Tammy Smith
Tim and Roseann Smith
Joan Snihur
Dorota Sobon
Dan and Kim Soenen
Jordyn Sollars
Soul Love Candle Co
Pamela Soule
Matt Sparkman
Mikki Spaulding
Danielle and Michael Spaulding
Bobby Spaziani
Speach Family Candy Shoppe
Robco Specialties
Levi and Adele Spires
Robert Stewart
Harold and Careen Talbot
Kayleen Spicer
Johan Spindler
Frank Squadrito
Audrey Squaresky
Jillian Stach
Greg and Tracey Stahl
Lee and Dee Staley
Stanley Steemer
Avery and Kristy Stanton
Bob States
Will Staton and Katrina Ballard
Karen and Richard Steele
Todd and Nancy Steinke
Eric and Donna Stensland
Steven J. Hall Inc.
Katie Stinnett
John and Katherine Stinziano
Patricia Stokes
Carter Strickland
Subaru of America Inc
Diane Sullivan
Tim Sullivan
Syracuse Sweat Club
John Sweeney
Pheobe Swope-Askeland
Richard and Megan Sykes
Syrabex Inc.
Syracuse Hockey Ownership Team L.P.
Syracuse Mets
Tailwater Lodge
Dominick Talarico
Amanda and Brian Talma
Paul Tangorre
Bruce Tanner
Carole and Thomas Taylor
Kristen Taylor
Richard and Kelly Taylor
Tracey and James Taylor
Carlos Tearney
Susan Teater
Diane and Philip Tennant
David Terasaka
Russ and Kim Nitchman
Terry and JR best friends forever
Jennifer and Michael Thayer
The Allyn Foundation
The Brae Loch
The Brasserie
The Central New York Community Foundation, Inc.
The Crunch Foundation, Inc
The Gifford Foundation
The Hueber Brewer Construction Co
The Jackls Fund at CNY Community Foundation
The Keys Program
The Lab Creative
The Spa at 500
The Syracuse Orchestra
The Upstate Foundation, Inc
The Whiskey Coop
James Theisen
Bridget and Ed Theobald
Melanie Thiel
Jason Thomas
Relo Solutions Group LLC
Kelli Tierney
Sharon and Jason Topi
Andrew Tormey
Maria Torres-Avery
Zulma Tovar-Spinoza
Joselle Trainor
Mike Tresidder
Andrew and Mary Tresness
Greg and Barb Tresness
Trinity Episcopal Church
Jeff and Mary Trisciani
Laura Troendle
John Trop
Dan Troup
Kenny Troyer
J.C. and Jennifer Trussell
Dan Tucker
Jeffrey Tyo
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Kathy Ulbricht
Stacy Underwood
William and Joanne Underwood
United Radio
United Way of Central New York
United Way of Rochester
Bonnie Vaccaro
Cynthia and David Vacco
Dario Vacco
Bob Valentine
Linda Vanholtz
Joreen and David Varecka
Patricia Vaughan
Stephanie Vavonese
Karen Ver Steeg
Verdi Commerce
Peter VerSteeg
Kristi Vertucci
Kelly Vidakovic
Family Vilardi
Vine & Barrel
Michelle Violette
Virkler Family Donor Account at Morgan Stanley GIFT
Jeffrey Virkler
Visual Technologies
Adam Vitale
Jennifer Voss
Jon Wade
Scott Wajda-Griffin
Josh and Andrea Waldman
Lisa Waldman
Waldron Rise Family Foundation
Walker & Reap
David and Laurie Walker
Jessica Walker
Nicole Wall
Tom, Lisa and Lisa Wallace
Walmart – Central Square 2911
Walmart – Fulton 3332
Walmart – Lancaster #5027
Walmart – Liverpool 1831
Walmart Ithaca #5240
Walmart Watertown #6539
Michelle Walters and Donald Edwards
Scott and Carol Walters
Mary Ward
Warne-McKenna Advertising
Warrensburg Management Corp
CJ and Sarah Watson
Kelly and Carl Watson
Mike Watt
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. – Rochester
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. – Syracuse
Kimberly and Eric Weimer
Fred and Ellie Weir
Lisa Weiss
Peter Wells
Deborah Welsh and Robert Gates
Laurie and Ellis Werbow
Emily Whalen
Karen Whalen
Lynn White Sohn and Christopher Sohn
Kelly Wichmann
Natasha Wilbur
William & Sheila Konar Foundation
William and Karen Read Charitable Fund
Colleen Williams
Misti Williams Valente
*Matthew Willis
James Wilson
Candace Winchell
Lisa Winter
Robert and Jennifer Winter
Wolak Group
Carrie Wood
Liz Wood
Kathryn Woodbury
Woodcliff Hotel and Spa
Madeline and Larry Woodruff
John and Maureen Whopperer
Mark and Reghan Worden
Emily Wright
Sandra and Robert Wright
Joseph Yankowski
Tess and Tess Zambrano
Maura and Graz Zazzara
Chris Zelko
Raymond Zelko
Jane Zhang
Michelle and Scott Ziccardi
Dana Ziegler
Daniel Zimmerman
*Craig and Lori Zinserling
* Indicates a member of our Board of Directors
+ These supporters have included David’s Refuge in their will or estate plans